Let's flow and travel to the future – free Livestream of our Inside Flow Summer Challenge Finale on Aug 8!register for free

Let's flow and travel to the future – free Livestream of our Inside Flow Summer Challenge Finale on Aug 8!register for free

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August | Inside Flow Summer Challenge

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Music can lift you up, and it can tear you down. It can help you relax as much as it can help you feel empowered. As an Inside Flow Lover, you know that listening to a certain music playlist can change your mood, even your whole day. Against the traditional belief that modern music destroys the spirit of yoga and will hinder you reaching a flow state, its eight-count rhythm can actually give you the very helpful guidance for an even, healthy breathing pattern and matching movements. Every inhalation lets you expand and make a big or wide movement, while every following contraction will naturally make you want to curl up or become smaller. Eventually, the combination of your breath and your movements to the rhythm of the music will take over, so that there is nothing left to think about. Only to feel – most often you feel what the music is conveying and communicating. So what happens when you combine yoga with classical music? Or with the rhythm of hip hop or country? How does the music change the Inside Flow practice? Let’s experiment and explore how music can change your experience with "Inside Flow meets".

❤️ Emotional Perspective

What type of music gives you goosebumps because it touches something deep inside of you? The genre as well as the bodily sensation from the emotions it effects are different for everyone – but it cannot be denied that music is possibly the best and easiest way to communicate with your heart. Music lets you turn your gaze inward. So close your eyes, put on a song you absolutely love, and then listen. Feel. And move. With the different genres during our Summer Challenge our teachers will guide you through different emotions. They will show you how diverse Inside Flow is and how it effects you differently depending on the genre and rhythm of the music.

💪 Body Perspective

They say 'rhythm is a dancer' – and you'll feel how true that is when you flow through the different music genres, songs and rhythms. Whether fast or slow, whether pop or classic – you'll be able to tune into your body. Let the music guide your practice.

🎓 Teaching Perspective

As an Inside Flow Teacher you are the master of the ceremony. You have the power to lift your students up or to make them feel the raw emotions – you decide on the music genre, the song, the story, the flow. This summer challenge might inspire you to think out of the box and change it up a little. Why not choose a totally different music once that not one of your students expects?

September | Inside Flow Summer Challenge

About this topic

Music can lift you up, and it can tear you down. It can help you relax as much as it can help you feel empowered. As an Inside Flow Lover, you know that listening to a certain music playlist can change your mood, even your whole day. Against the traditional belief that modern music destroys the spirit of yoga and will hinder you reaching a flow state, its eight-count rhythm can actually give you the very helpful guidance for an even, healthy breathing pattern and matching movements. Every inhalation lets you expand and make a big or wide movement, while every following contraction will naturally make you want to curl up or become smaller. Eventually, the combination of your breath and your movements to the rhythm of the music will take over, so that there is nothing left to think about. Only to feel – most often you feel what the music is conveying and communicating. So what happens when you combine yoga with classical music? Or with the rhythm of hip hop or country? How does the music change the Inside Flow practice? Let’s experiment and explore how music can change your experience with "Inside Flow meets".

❤️ Emotional Perspective

What type of music gives you goosebumps because it touches something deep inside of you? The genre as well as the bodily sensation from the emotions it effects are different for everyone – but it cannot be denied that music is possibly the best and easiest way to communicate with your heart. Music lets you turn your gaze inward. So close your eyes, put on a song you absolutely love, and then listen. Feel. And move. With the different genres during our Summer Challenge our teachers will guide you through different emotions. They will show you how diverse Inside Flow is and how it effects you differently depending on the genre and rhythm of the music.

💪 Body Perspective

They say 'rhythm is a dancer' – and you'll feel how true that is when you flow through the different music genres, songs and rhythms. Whether fast or slow, whether pop or classic – you'll be able to tune into your body. Let the music guide your practice.

🎓 Teaching Perspective

As an Inside Flow Teacher you are the master of the ceremony. You have the power to lift your students up or to make them feel the raw emotions – you decide on the music genre, the song, the story, the flow. This summer challenge might inspire you to think out of the box and change it up a little. Why not choose a totally different music once that not one of your students expects?